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Items starting with B

Garzón, J. . 1977 . Birds of prey in Spain, the present situation. . Proceeding of the World Conference on Birds of Prey, Vienna 1975. International Council for Bird Preservation ,: 159-170 Show Details
Hutterer R, Ivanova T, Meyer-Cord Ch, Rodrigues L . 2005 . Bat Migrations in Europe . Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt , 28 : 162 Show Details
Issel B, Issel W . 1960 . Beringungsergebnisse an der Grossen Hufeisennase (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) in Bayern . Bonn. Zool. Beitr. Sonderheft , 11 : 124-142 Show Details
Lanza B, Finotello PL . 1985 . Biogeografía dei Chirotteri italiani . Boll. Mus. Reg. Sci. Nat. Torino , 3(2) : 389-420 Show Details
Macdonald DW & Tattersall, F. T. . 2001 . Britain's mammals- the challenge for conservation . The Wildlife Conservation research Unit , Oxford University : Show Details
Muntaner J . 1996 . Biology and Conservation of Mediterranean Raptors . SEO BirdLife . Madrid Show Details
O. Kleven , A. Moksnes, E. Roskaft, G. Rudolfens, B. G. Stokke, M. Honza . 2004 . Breeding success of common cuckoos Cuculus canorus parasitising four sympatric species of Acrocephalus warblers. . Journal of Avian Biology , 35 : 394-398 Show Details
Pfau J. . 1988 . Beitrag zur Verbreitung der Herpetofauna in der Niederalgarve (Portugal) . Salamandra , 24(4) : 258-275 Show Details
Richarz K . 1997 . Biotopschutzplanung für Fledermäuse. Entwurf eines kurzen Leitfadens zum Schutz der Lebensräume im Sinne des Abkommens zur Erhaltung der Fledermäuse in Europa . Nyctalus , 6 : 289-303 Show Details
Santos ESA, Nakagawa S . 2013 . Breeding Biology and Variable Mating System of a Population of Introduced Dunnocks (Prunella modularis) in New Zealand . PLoS ONE , 8(7) : e69329 Show Details
Schober W, Grimberger E . 1987 . Bats of Britain & Europe . Show Details
Schober W., Grimbererr E. . 1987 . Bats of Britain and Europe . Hamlyn . London Show Details
Simms E . 1985 . British Warblers . Collins . London Show Details
Stumpel A. H. P. . 1995 . Biometrical and ecological data from a Netherlands population of Anguis fragilis (Reptilia, Sauria, Anguidae) . Amphibia-Reptilia , 6 : 181-194 Show Details
Tucker GM, Heath MF . 1994 . Birds in Europe: their conservation status . BirdLife International . Cambridge Show Details
Tucker GM, Heath MF . 1994 . Birds in Europe: their conservation status . BirdLife International . Cambridge Show Details
Wiktander U, Nilsson SG, Olsson O, Stagen A . 1994 . Breeding success of a lesser spotted woodpecker Dendrocopos minor population . Ibis , 136 : 318–322 Show Details

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