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Items starting with W

Alvarez G, Martínez T, Martínez E . 1991 . Winter diet of red deer stag (Cervus elaphus L.) and its relationship to morphology and habitat in central Spain . Folia Zoologica , 40(2) : 117-130 Show Details
Drescher C . 2000 . Woodsmen or farmers? The diet of the greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis) in an intensily used agricultural landscape . Proceedings of the VIIIth European Bat Research Symposium ,: 243-251 Show Details
Laiolo P, Rolando A, Carisio L . 2001 . Winter movements of the alpine crough: implications for management in the alps . Journal of Mountain Ecology , 6 : 21–30 Show Details
Nowell K., Jackson P. . 1996 . Wild cats: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan . Show Details
Palma L., Beja P., Pais M., Da Fonseca L. C. . 2006 . Why do raptors take domestic prey? The case of Bonelli's eagles and pigeons . Journal of Applied Ecology , 43 (6) : 1075-1086 Show Details
Winkler H, Christie D, Nurney D . 1995 . Woodpeckers . Houghton Mifflin Company . Boston Show Details

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