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Categories starting with E

Ekologia (30)

Items starting with E

Ransome RD . 1995 . Earlier breeding shortens life in female greater horseshoe bats . Phil. Trans. Soc. Lond. B , 350 : 153-161 Show Details
Real J., Mañosa S. . 1990 . Eagle owl (Bubo bubo) predation on juvenile Bonelli's eagles (Hieraaetus fasciatus) . Journal of Raptor Research , 24 (3) : 69-71 Show Details
Real J. . 1982 . El águila perdicera en Cataluña . Quercus , 5 : 26-28 Show Details
Rodríguez-Prieto I., Fernández-Juricic E. . 2005 . Effects of direct human disturbance on the endemic Iberian frog Rana iberica at individual and population levels . Biological Conservation , 123(1) : 1-9 Show Details
Russell AF . 1999 . Ecological constraints and the cooperative breeding system of the long-tailed tit Aegithalos caudatus . PhD Thesis, University of Sheffield . Sheffield Show Details
Schreur G., de Paz O., Almenar D., Garin I., Aihartza J., Goiti U., Salsamendi E. . 2006 . Estudios cientificos sobre Quirópteros Amenazados en Extremadura . Show Details
Schumm A, Krull D, Neuweiler G . 1991 . Echolocation in the notch-eared bat, Myotis emarginatus . Behav Ecol Sociobiol , 28 : 255-261 Show Details
Serra-Cobo J., Marqués-Bonet T., Martínez-Rica J. P. . 2000 . Ecological segregation between Rana pyrenaica and Rana temporaria and differential predation of Euproctus asper on their tadpoles . Netherlands Journal of Zoology , 50(1) : 65-73 Show Details
Store RD . 1996 . Eurasian Insectivores and Tree Shrews; An Action Plan for their Conservation . IUCN . Gland, Switzerland Show Details
Tejedo M . 1991 . Effect of predation by two species of sympatric tadpoles on embryo survival in natterjack toads (Bufo calamita) . Herpetologica , 47 : 322-327 Show Details
Valverde J.A. . 1967 . Estructura de una comunidad mediterránea de vertebrados terrestres . Monografías de Ciencias Moderna , 76 : Show Details
Valverde, J. A . 1967 . Estructura de una comunidad de vertebrados terrestres . Monografías de la EBD . Show Details
Vives-Balmaña M.V. . 1984 . Els amfibis i els rèptils de Catalunya . Ketres . Barcelona Show Details
Werner Y.L. . 1986 . Evolutionary implication of occasional (non-mimetic) behavioural triangulation of the head in snakes (Coluber rhodorhachis and Malpolon monspessulanus) . The Snake , 18 : 37-41 Show Details

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