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Items starting with F

Krull D, Schumm A, Metzner W, Neuweiler G . 1991 . Foraging areas and foraging behavior in the notch-eared bat, Myotis emarginatus (Vespertilionidae) . Behav Ecol Sociobiol , 28 : 247–253 Show Details
Krull D, Schumm A, Metzner W, Neuweiler G . 1991 . Foraging Areas and Foraging Behavior in the Notch-Eared Bat, Myotis emarginatus (Vespertilionidae) . Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology , 28(4) : 247-253 Show Details
Langmore NE, Davies NB . 1997 . Female dunnocks use vocalizations to compete for males . Animal Behaviour , 53 : 881-890 Show Details
Leisler B, Wink M . 2000 . Frequencies of multiple paternity in three Acrocephalus species (Aves Sylviidae) with different mating systems (A. palustris, A. arundinaceus, A. paludicola) . Ethology, Ecology and Evolution , 12 (3) : 237–249 Show Details
Meschede A, Rudolph BU . 2004 . Fledermäuse in Bayern . Ulmer Verlag . Ulm Show Details
Ottonello D, Salvidio S, Rosecchi E . 2005 . Feeding habits of the European pond terrapin Emys orbicularis in Camargue (Rhône delta, Southern France) . Amphibia-Reptilia , 26 : 562-565 Show Details
Telleria JL, Santos T . 1994 . Factors involved in the distribution of forest birds in the Iberian Peninsula . Bird Study , 41 : 161-169 Show Details
Valladolid M, Przybylski M . 2003 . Feeding ecology of Cobitis paludica and Cobitis calderoni in Central Spain . Folia Biologica , 51 : 135-141 Show Details
Yoerg SI . 1998 . Foraging behavior predicts age at independence in juvenile Eurasian dippers (Cinclus cinclus) . Behavioral Ecology , 9(5) : 471-477 Show Details

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