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Items starting with S

Goiti U, Aihartza JR, Almenar E, Salsamendi E, Garin I . 2006 . Seasonal foraging by Rhinolophus euryale (Rhinolophidae) in an Atlantic rural landscape in northern Iberian Peninsula . Acta Chiropterologica , 8 : 141-155 Show Details
Gosá A., Rubio X. . 2006 . Sugegorriak: animaliak baino ez . Elhuyar , 222 : 22-25 Show Details
Guillaume O., Cavagnara F. . 1998 . Spatial and temporal distribution of Euproctus asper from hypogean and epigean populations: experimental and fieldwork studies . Mémoires de Biospéologie , 25 : 145-156 Show Details
Haberl W, Kryštufek B . 2003 . Spatial distribution and population density of the harvest mouse Micromys minutus in a habitat mosaic at Lake Neusiedl, Austria. . Mammalia , 67 : 355–365 Show Details
Hernández, A. . 2009 . Summer-autumn feeding ecology of Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca and Spotted Flycatchers Muscicapa striata: the importance of frugivory in a stopover area in north-west Iberia . Bird Conservation International , 19 : 224-238 Show Details
Janeau G, Aulagnier S . 1997 . Snow vole - Chionomys nivalis (Martins 1842) . Ibex - Journal of Mountain Ecology , 4 : 1-11 Show Details
Lorenzo Pérez . 2007 . Señales fiables en la perdiz roja (Alectoris rufa): condición física, testosterona y carotenoides . Show Details
McElligott AG, Gammell MP, Harty HC, Paini DR, Murphy DT, Walsh JT, Hayden TJ . 2001 . Sexual size dimorphism in fallow deer (Dama dama): do larger, heavier males gain greater mating success? . Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology , 49 : 266-272 Show Details
Montori A. . 1990 . Skeletochronological results in the pyrenean newt Euproctus asper (Dugès, 1852) from one prepyrenean population . Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie, Série 13 , 11 : 209-211 Show Details
Moreno S & Kufner MB . 1988 . Seasonal Patterns in the Wood Mouse Population in Mediterranean Scrubland . Acta Theriologica , 33 (7) : 79-85 Show Details
Olea, P. P. . 2001 . Sobre la dispersión premigratoria del cernícalo primilla Falco naumanni en España . Ardeola , 48 : 237-241 Show Details
Onrubia, A. . 2009 . Situación del Cernícalo Primilla en Navarra. . Actas del VII Congreso Internacional sobre el Cernícalo Primilla. ,: 187 Show Details
Roques S, Díaz-Paniagua C, Portheault A, Pérez-Santigosa N, Hidalgo-Vila J . 2006 . Sperm storage and low incidence of multiple paternity in the European pond turtle, Emys orbicularis: A secure but costly strategy? . Biological Conservation , 129 : 136-143 Show Details
Ryberg O. . 1947 . Studies on bats and at parasites, especially with ragard to Sweden ant other neighbouring countries of the North . Svensk Naturvetenskap, Stockholm ,: Show Details
Saniga M . 1993 . Seasonal distribution, altitudinal and horizontal migration of the wallcreeper (Tichodroma muraria) in the Malá Fatra Mountais, Slovak Carpathians . Folia Zoologica , 4(3) : 237-246 Show Details
Sans-Coma V & J Gosàlbez i Noguera . 1976 . Sobre la reproducción de Apodemus sylvaticus L. 1758 en el nordeste ibérico . Miscellània Zoològica , 3 (5) : Show Details
Sanz JJ . 1999 . Seasonal variation in reproductive success and post-nuptial moult of Blue Tits in southern Europe: an experimental study . Oecologia , 121 : 377-382 Show Details
Spotila JR . 2004 . Sea Turtles: A complete Guide to Their Biology, Behaviour and Conservation . The Johns Hopkins University Press and Oakwood Arts . Show Details
Strelkov, P. P. . 2000 . Seasonal distribution of migratory bat species (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in eastern Europe and adjacent territories . Myotis , 37 : 7-25 Show Details
Tejedo M . 1993 . Size-dependent vulnerability and behavioral responses of tadpoles of two anuran species to beetle larvae predators . Herpetologica , 49 : 287-294 Show Details

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