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Items starting with T

Olsson O . 1998 . Through the eyes of a woodpecker: understanding habitat selection, territory quality and reproductive decisions from individual behaviour . Lund University . Lund Show Details
Panteleyev P.A. . 1998 . The rodents of the Palaearctic fauna: composition and areas . A.N. Severtzov IEE of RASS, Moscow ,: Show Details
Perez-Santigosa N, Díaz-Paniagua C, Hidalgo-Vila J . 2008 . The reproductive ecology of exotic Trachemys scripta elegans in an invaded area of southern Europe . Aquatic Conservation: Marine Freshwater Ecosystems , 18 : 1302–1310 Show Details
Pitman RL, Ensor P . 2003 . Three forms of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Antarctic waters . Journal of Cetacean Research and Management , 5(2) : 131-139 Show Details
Quinard JP, Douchement CI . 1991 . The freshwater fishes of Europe . H. Hoestiand Ed., Aula-Verlag . Wiesbaden Show Details
Ransome RD . 1990 . The natural history of hibernating bats . Cristopher Helm . Londres Show Details
Real J., Mañosa S., Muñoz E. . 2000 . Thrichomoniasis in a Bonelli’s eagle popullation in Spain . Journal of Wildlife Diseases , 36 : 64-70 Show Details
Robert A. Robinson, Jeremy D. Wilson, Humphrey Q.P. Crick . 2002 . The importance of arable habitat for farmland birds in grassland landscapes . Journal of Applied Ecology , 38 : 1059-1069 Show Details
Sazima I, Grossman A . 2006 . Turtle riders: remoras on marine turtles in Southwest Atlantic . Neotrop. Ichthyol. , 4 : 123-126 Show Details
Seva, E . 1982 . Taxocenosis de lacértidos en un arenal costero alicantino . Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante . Alicante Show Details
Slater PJB . 1983 . The Buzby phenomenon: Thrushes and telephones . Animal Behavior , 31 : 308–309 Show Details
Smith M. . 1973 . The British amphibians and reptiles (5 th ed.) . Collins . London Show Details
Snow D, Perrins CM . 1998 . The Birds of the Western Palearctic concise edition . Oxford University Press . Oxford Show Details
Snow D.W., Perrins C.M. . 1998 . The birds of Western Paleartic: concise editions . Oxford University Press . Oxford Show Details
Sorace A, Formichetti P, Boano A, Andreani P, Gramegna C, Mancini L . 2002 . The presence of a river bird, the dipper, in relation to water quality and biotic indices in central Italy . Environmental Pollution , 118(1) : 89-96 Show Details
Tron F . 2006 . The European Roller as a flagship species for a local stakeholders-based approach of Mediterranean farmland conservation. Abstract for the 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology ‘Diversity for Europe’ . Show Details
Virgós E. . 2005 . Tejón – Meles meles. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles . Show Details
Wibbels T, Cowan J, LeBoeuf R . 1998 . Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination in the Red-Eared Slider Turtle, Trachemys scripta . The Journal of Experimental Zoology , 281 : 409–416 Show Details
Zeale MRK, Butlin RK, Barker G, Lees DC, Jones G . 2011 . Taxon-specific PCR for DNA barcoding arthropod prey in bat faeces . Molecular Ecology Resources , 2 : 236-244 Show Details

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