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Items starting with P

Domingo M, Visa J, Pumarola M, Marco AJ, Ferrer L, Rabanal R, Kennedy S . 1992 . Pathologic and Immunocytochemical Studies of Morbillivirus Infection in Striped Dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) . Veterinary Pathology , 29 : Show Details
Donazar JA, Ceballos O . 1989 . Post-fledging dependence period and development of flight and foraging behaviour in the Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus . Ardea , 78(3) : 387–394 Show Details
Dyrcz A, Flinks H . 2000 . Potential food resources and nestling food in the Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus arundinaceus) and Eastern Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus orientalis) . Journal für Ornithology , 141 (3) : 351–360 Show Details
Elosegi M.M. . 1999 . Piztizaleon berriak: Iraila . Zientzia.net. Elhuyar Fundazioa. ,: Show Details
Garin I, García-Mudarra JL, Aihartza JR, Goiti U, Juste J . 2003 . Presence of Plecotus macrobullaris (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in the Pyrenees . Acta Chiropterologica , 5(2) : 243-250 Show Details
Gregory P. T. . 1980 . Physical factor selectivity in the fossorial lizard Anguis fragilis . Journal of Herpetology , 14(1) : 95-99 Show Details
Hasselquist D . 1998 . Polygyny in Great Reed Warblers: a long-term study of factors contributing to male fitness . Ecology , 79 (7) : 2376–2390 Show Details
Hidalgo-Vila J, Martinez-Silvestre AN, Pérez-Santigosa N, Díaz-Paniagua C, Andreu AC, Ruiz X, De Frutos C, León L . 2004 . Primeros resultados del estado sanitario de poblaciones de galápagos autóctonos y exóticos en el SO de la Península Ibérica . Libro de resúmenes del VIII congreso Luso -Español de Herpetología . Show Details
J. A. Martínez, I. Zuberogoitia, J. E. Martínez, J. Zabala, J.F. Calvo . 2007 . Patterns of territoy settlement by Eurasian scops-owls (Otus scops) in altered semi-arid landscapes . Journal of Arid Environments , 69 : 400-409 Show Details
Kronwitter, F . 1988 . Population structure, habitat use and activity patterns of the noctule bat, Nyctalus noctula Schreb., 1774 (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) revealed by radio-tracking. . Myotis , 26 : 23-85 Show Details
Martínez-Solano I . 2000 . Pelobates cultripes (Iberian Spadefoot Toad). Predation . Herpetological Review , 31 : 235 Show Details
Merino, S., Potti, J. . 1995 . Pied flycatchers prefer to nest in clean nest boxes in an area with detrimental nests ectoparasites . The Condor , 97 : 828-831 Show Details
Merino, S., Potti, J. . 1997 . Papamoscas cerrojillo Ficedula hypoleuca. Pp. 438-439. En: Atlas de las Aves de España (1975-1995) . Lynx Edicions . Barcenola Show Details
Morales, J. . 2012 . Papamoscas cerrojillo – Ficedula hypoleuca. (Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles) . Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. ,: Show Details
Ontiveros D. . 1997 . Pérdida de hábitat del Águila perdicera en la provincia de Granada . Quercus , 135 : 16-19 Show Details
Ortego, J., Cordero, P. J., Aparicio, J. M., Calabuig, G. . 2010 . Parental genetic characteristics and hatching success in a recovering population of Lesser Kestrels . Journal of Ornithology , 151 : 155-162 Show Details
Perktas U, Barrowclough GF, Groth JG . 2011 . Phylogeography and species limits in the green woodpecker complex (Aves: Picidae): multiple Pleistocene refugia and range expansion across Europe and the Near East . Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 104 : 710–723 Show Details
Pons JM, Olioso G, Cruaud C, Fuchs J . 2011 . Phylogeography of the Eurasian green woodpecker (Picus viridis) . Journal of Biogeography , 38 : 311–325 Show Details
Pujiula PJ . 1931a . Pelobates cultripes, Tsch. Datos ecológicos y técnicos, referentes a la reproducción . Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d'Historia Natural , 11 : 81-84 Show Details
Real J., Mañosa S., Codina J., Del Amo R. . 1996 . Primeros datos sobre dispersión del Águila perdicera . Quercus , 122 : 25 Show Details

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