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Items starting with P

Real J., Mañosa S., Codina J. . 1998 . Post-nestling dependence period in the Bonelli’s eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus . Ornis fennica , 75 : 129-137 Show Details
Segurado P, Araújo APR . 2008 . Population structure of Emys orbicularis in syntropy and allotropy with Mauremys leprosa . Revista Española de Herpetología , 22 : 45-54 Show Details
Sunde P . 2005 . Predators control post-fledging mortality in tawny owls, Strix aluco . Oikos , 110 : 461-472 Show Details
Tejedo M, Reques R . 2002 . Pelobates cultripes. Atlas y libro rojo de los anfibios y reptiles de España . . Dirección General de la Conservación de la Naturaleza-Asociación Herpetológica Española . Madrid Show Details
Terhivuo J. . 1981 . Provisional atlas and population status of the Finnish amphibian and reptile species with reference to their ranges in northern Europe . Annales Zoologici Fennici , 18 : 139-164 Show Details
Vojtkova L., Roca V. . 1996 . Parasites of the frogs and toads in Europe. Part 3: Nematoda, Cestoda, Acanthocephala, Hirudinea, Crustacea and Insecta . Revista Española de Herpetología , 10 : 13-27 Show Details

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